Friday, March 12, 2010

Tumeric Rice with Chinese Sausage

You got chinese sausage at home? Easy for this recipe. I was alone in the house in this wet windy cold weather. I decided to have a quick dinner, and steamed rice is Chinese favourite. I had 3 string of chinese sausage in my fridge, have the craving to eat it. I decided to make a steamed jasmine rice (the portion is up to you, but I used 3 cups), with bayleaves (3-4 leaf) and tumeric powder (1 tablespoon) or curry powder if you have one. Fast, clean, simple and less than 30 min cooking. Put in all the ingredients in the rice cooker, add salt (1-2 teaspoon) and let it cook. Once done, just add in some butter (half stick) to make it taste better and glossy. Yummy just to eat  like that, or have fried eggs on the side. Love it... I had 2 bowl already.

"Anda Boleh"

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