Monday, November 2, 2009

White Ciopino

Gregg and I went to Blue Eye, MO to visit Jim Long and Josh Young. Of cos, Barbara (Josh's mom), Molly the dog and Squeeky the cat. Usually, I will cook for them, The Chef Chong's style. I cooked seafood ciopino that day for dinner because Barbara wanted to have some scallops. Well, in my head I was thinking of searing them with salt, pepper and some seasoning. However, I changed my mind the last minute, because the big scallops were not enough for all of us. So I used small scallops and shrimps in the freezer for the ciopino. You can soak the frozen in water to thaw.

Also that I used the peppers and cilantro grown in Jim's garden. See, it is simple and delicious.


Scallops and Shrimps (clean and pat dry)
One garlic (smashed and chopped finely)
Half Onion (sliced)
4-5 mini yellow peppers (cut into pieces, any shapes you want) will find out the name of the peppers later
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1/2 cup white wine
1 tablespoon butter
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat the pan with olive oil. Caramelised the sliced onion and peppers. Then put aside.
2. Use the same pan, throw in the seafood. Add salt and black peppers. You can see some juice coming out from the seafood after a min or two.
3. Add in the caramelised onion and peppers, the butter, garlic, wine, cilantro and green onion into the seafood.
4. Cook for another min or two, try one of the shrimp and the taste. Add salt to taste. You can put in the oven at low while waiting for your guests.

Bon Appetite!

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